The Journey to My Pre-Baby Body
Not really, but according to my sources, that day is the day you feel it the most. They were right.
The actual truth is that this challenge encourages lots of eating...just the healthy foods. Still that doesn't stop me from wanting to snatch the chocolate syrup from the fridge door and drink it. It is not like Abram would tell anyone, but Matt and I are doing this together as a commitment to get back into a healthier way of life.
Let me back up a little.
You may or may not have noticed that I did posts all about pregnancy and now baby, but never mentioned postpartum weight. There was really no need. I was very smart during pregnancy to keep active and eat right, most of the time. I was encouraged by my doctor who said that delivery and weight loss would be easier if I stayed fit.
I did boot camp until 5 months, ran until 6 or 7, biked until 9, and did modified versions of Matt's weight training from 5-8 months. After it is all said and done, I can tell you that my doctor was right! I had 10 minutes of pushing, and was 2 pounds over my pre-baby weight by 6 weeks postpartum. My body just seemed to bounce back naturally.
The thing that none of us counted on was that I would have a colicky baby. A baby that we could not figure out what was wrong until he was 3 months old. A baby that would not sleep more than 4 hours until around 5 months old. I was exhausted and stressed to the max. I sat around watching him play...or in the beginning lay there with him sleeping on me. I grabbed whatever food was eatable and would miss meals frequently. I went from working out about 4 times a week with a baby weighing me down, to maybe once a week...maybe.
I started to gain back my baby weight; about 6-8 pounds.Technically this was not the weight gained during pregnancy, but I still call it my baby weight...don't judge. I was so frustrated that I worked so hard and had nothing to show for it {weight wise, not baby wise...and I am not talking about the book}. I would cry myself to sleep several nights a week. This was not good for me or Abram.
Then my sister started the 24-day challenge and started dropping inches, leaning up, and her diet changed for the better! I was so hesitant. I did not want to pay all that money and have it not work. I also didn't want a temporary fix.
Well skip to day 21 {today...and 6 months postpartum} and I can say I feel great! I am back to my pre-baby weight, but more importantly I have lost 3 inches and my clothes fit better. This is not supposed to be a diet, but more like a lifestyle change. Instead of eating right and not seeing results, then getting frustrated and giving up...I have tons of energy and am more motivated than ever! Matt and I have been eating clean for the most part, and plan to continue {we did eat healthy pre-Abram}. I have also given myself the goal to work out 3 times a week and I am doing it! Almost all of my family has gotten on this to get more healthy and all of us are seeing the reward for our efforts. I am so excited to tell everyone about this golden nugget we have discovered. My goal is to become a healthy me that can sit in a swimsuit on the beach, and play with my baby {with out being self-conscious}. Feel free to contact me if you have questions...
My Blog Commitment...
I am currently trying to find a "real person" job again...but while I do that {and just in case it doesn't fall from the heavens}...I am blogging, selling Rodan + Fields, starting a 24 Day Challenge {more about that later}, scheming about my dream career, painting paintings for the random people that want one every now and then, re-doing my house, re-finishing furniture for myself and others, and oh ya there is the small responsibility of raising my smiley, little boy!
Part of me tells myself to start knocking things off my plate so I can be better at each, but I am doing each of those because they are all my passion at the moment. Matt reads a ton of books {his night stand is starting to look like a library stack and I can't stand it}, and in one they said that if you dedicate your whole life to one thing alone {and identify yourself through it}, with no balance, whenever that "thing" changes or falls through, you can go through a major identity crisis.
That would be me....
I was in design school for 8 years! 8 years people! I could be a freakin' doctor, but instead I am in an unstable field in a shaky economy! I am now realizing that the dreams that got me through school do not have to stay the same throughout my life. Dreams Evolve! So I'm continuing to figure out my next dream...
I will always love design...ALWAYS! I am always thinking creatively, and Matt sometimes hates that. This brings me to my blog commitment...I have 2 chairs I got for $10 before I got pregnant. They have been sitting in my garage the whole time. My bff and I challenged each other to refinish a piece of furniture by the 15th of April. I'm pretty sure she did 2 pieces by then {with 2 kids}. I was able to clean up the chairs, then company came over and they were moved to the garage where they have sat for a week. I also have a bathroom wall to finish detailing.
Lord help me!
I started it almost 2 years ago and it is not finished. Honestly, I sort of want to redo the whole idea now, but Matt would chase me down the street with a wooden spoon if I did that! So my blog commitment is to finish the bathroom and most of the chairs {besides the upholstered seat if it gives me trouble} within the next 2 weeks!
Hold me accountable people! Man, just typing that makes me nervous.
I'm working smarter, not harder....
Can I be Business Savvy?
Onto the blog...I came to the realization yesterday that I am working so hard to find a job and just getting side jobs while waiting to try and become an architect...a profession where there are no jobs right now and the highest starting salary would be $40,000 (after 8 years of school and busting ass).
So, I have recently started to look in other areas of design to see if there is business potential. Problem is that architecture students learn NOTHING about owning a business in school (even though many do own their own firm). I would still like to pursue the architecture route since I have dedicated so much time to it and becoming an architect is what I always thought I wanted. BUT, I am trying to decide between a few of my own business options to feel like my life is going somewhere and I am not just waiting for something better. I am not sure what I want and what would succeed, but they are in the general area of:
Increasing my art/painting market/inventory/sales
Furniture Re-design/re-finishing/arting it up
Designing/decor of houses, shops, and restaurants
Creating my own decor to sale...inspired by my parent's classmate who was an Interior Designer.
You see, they are all related, but hmmmm which one should I choose. I am currently trying to do 3 of the 4 and it is a little bit confusing. Not sure how to start up some of these things or how to sell some. Advice/tips/suggestions?...Does anyone even read this blog? I once read that blogs are a great way to survey and see what people are wanting at the current time and to survey what could potentially be my "target market" come on and speak up!
For now I am being kept to-do list:
Finish a few paintings for people who bought them
Finish a couple paintings that were started a while ago, never finished, and never put for sale
Finish helping with the design of a Lafayette restaurant
Finish helping with the design of a Houston restaurant
Finish some home redo's and post the d.i.y tutorials on this blog
Re-finish some purchased and old furniture and post the d.i.y tutorials
AND fly to meet my mom to help her begin on a new big adventure (hopefully)...that is right, Norman is in for a REAL treat soon...she is looking to change the face of what you currently know as a stylish event!
Crappy phone photo sneak peak of a one tutorial:
Matt and I went to Barnes and Noble to get Dave Ramsey's Entreleadership book (we love him). Matt was so pumped up because I was ready to read about business..."You are hot and I gotta strike while the iron is hot!"...I am hot, why thank you! ;) As interested as I am in starting a business, these books were grabbing my attention...typical!
My Life List
Anyone who REALLY knows me knows I am a list making queen! You can come to my house and find multiple "old" lists lying around that have since been updated to a new, clean paper and forgotten. Typically, I like to write my list by hand, on paper...but occasionally the "big" life list or "5 years" list requires to be typed and saved as not to lose it. Those who write lists know what I am talking about.
During my procrastination I remembered about my high school list I recently found (hilarious by the way), which lead into my college list (a little more mature sounding, but equally funny), and now what!? Well, although I haven't graduated yet, the idea of not having a job has been getting me down. I have done my resume and online portfolio, and even found the companies I want to apply to (none of which are hiring now)...still something was telling me it wasn't the right time to apply. (This is now where my dad will call me up and light a fire under my uhhum)...Dad, please keep reading. Then, Matt mentioned how he has really been hoping to get an offer to work overseas for a year or two. That is when it hit me (and him), that if I get a job (or knowing me, a good interview), we are stuck here for at least 3 years with no chance of pursuing that opportunity. We agreed that he would really pursue these jobs for a month and then re-evaluate...within two weeks now, the chances of going have greatly increased.
So, to make me feel like I am beginning a new life, free from school, I am making a life list that I will keep on a tab of this blog so you can see the silly and/or serious things I put and accomplish(as I cross them off)...because you know the best part is crossing them off. I will continually add to it and cross off. Feel free to send me suggestions of things to add you wish you could do or your lists. (this is inspired by:
1) Update the blog at least twice a month
2) Go to bed by at least 11 pm every night, and in return wake up by 7
3) Treat Matt to his "perfect day" with me included to thank him for putting up with me while in school
4) Cleanse my house of the clutter
5) Finish staining the kitchen cabinets
6) Get my body back in shape and balanced
7) Get an architecture job
8) Become a registered architect
9) Eventually figure out a way to work from home and still make money (in my dreams)
10) Educate myself on how to run a business
11) Learn to play a song on the guitar
12) Learn to not take things personally
13) Learn to fold the laundry straight from the dryer
14) Start using coupons for groceries (not crazy like that couponing show)
15) Take Gable for a stroll at least 3 times a week
16) Create my dream creative office
17) Get my own furniture
18) Have a baby (you know...eventually)
19) Double our savings
20) Take at least one family trip a year
21) Have a special date night at least once a month
22) Run a half-marathon
23) Get at least 10 (regular nightly) dinner recipes in my arsenal
24) Get all the "need to alter" clothes in my trunk to the seamstress
25) Change our carpet (at first I accidentally spelled it crapet which is probably more appropriate)
26) Get a good camera and master it
27) Wakeboard again
28) Get myself to do the splits again
29) Try yoga again
30) Go to New York for Thanksgiving/Christmas to see the tree and ice skate
31) Travel everywhere ( I know this sounds unrealistic, but there are just too many places I am determined to go to list)
32) Get good at birthdays (remembering, gifting, etc....I am not good now and I blame school ;))
33) Sew from a pattern
34) Go camping again (this time without peeing in the sleeping bag)
35) Design my own house...with a pool ;)
36) Redo my physical portfolio
37) Learn Revit
38) Continue my my family's Christmas traditions
39) Stay close with my extended family (so rare and so special)
40) Make friends where I live so we can have dinner parties
41) See my family and best friends more
Well Hello There...
Since our wedding we have been busy. Most of this has taken place in our very own home; cleaning and organizing before school starts (it rules my thoughts unfortunately). We were able to get away three weekends though...not for our birthdays (we stayed at home for those).
Birthday Cake...
Kristen, who is now our 3rd roomate, and I got rained out of the pool the Sunday before Matt's birthday. He was golfing so we went and bought ingredients to make the ultimate birthday cake...neither of us LOVE to cook, but we both really enjoy baking. It was a yellow butter cake with strawberries, chocolate chips and had a fudge icing (Matt loves fudge)...we were ambitious and went for two layers with a cream cheese icing in between (he loves cream cheese). We then used our decorating sense (her's from doing actual cakes at a bakery and me just being me) and put cut strawberries on top with chocolate chips around the sides. Happy Late Blog Birthday Babe! Exactly one month after our wedding, he turned 26.
Cabinet Doors...
We have missed you, but now you weird us out a little.
We recently decided that we're giving up on the staining the cabinets ourselves and are saving the money for someone to do it after putting only one coat on all the doors that need two. (Probably gonna take a while) So this year when your thinking of Christmas gifts, think cabinets! Since they prob. won't be finished until next summer, I started to put the doors back on...I was sick of the cluttered look after 2 years. Waiting for Matt's help this weekend with the tall doors...
Weekend Fun...
First is was the 4th at False River with Ashtyn and Derrick.
Next Kevin and Denise's Wedding July 24, 2010 in Lafayette. Congrats you were both beautiful! This pics of Matt and I at the wedding are on a different camera. :(
Last weekend was our last summer bash at Lake Sam Raborn in Texas. It was awesome...we will def. be going back! Me, Matt, Ashtyn, Derrick, Garrett, Leslie C, Matt M, Kristen, and Brandon rented a lake house and took Derrick's boat out for some wake boarding and tubing from Thursday to Sunday. We got a spa treatment every day as we walked through the wet, clay/mud to the boat from the house until we realized we could roll out a dock that sunk into the mud and stayed suctioned for the last 2 days.
I am almost back to wake boarding like a normal person again after falling on my face too many times last summer. (when am I ever normal anyway?...). Matt was mastering his many tricks he is trying...including his infamous back flip where he throws his body upside down in the air and hopes for a good landing.
I love my friends...Ashtyn helped me to discover that I can eat marshmallows, hershey's bars, snickers, potato chips, and tostitos on my new Gluten-free diet. Thanks for giving me reasons to eat junk...on occasion. We also managed to run out of gas, but seriously licked out that we were so close to a camp. The boys got out and pushed/pulled the boat while Kristen and I swam and hiked the rocks to the camp to ask for a gas can. A man just so happened to have a can with ya! He saved the day!
The rest of the weekend details are on a need to know basis, this includes: cave woman, mud fights, beer pong, smores, etc.

A Beautiful Day for a Run
Yesterday I ran my second 10K race; that would be 6.2 miles to be exact. I was more nervous for this one than the last time I did it. Matt and I ran this same race together last year so he was a nice tag-along buddy to alternate with, and I had been following my training schedule perfectly (running 3 to 4 times a week and sometimes more miles than it said). This year, however, Matt decided to focus on lifting weights and opted out of the run. I have also been more busy with school and wedding planning and could only run 2 or 3 times a the nerves kicked in that morning.
The alarm rang at 6:30 (yes 6:30)...I had to be in Downtown Houston for 8 am...and I am not a morning runner to begin with. Matt could tell I was nervous/tired so he made me two eggs over-easy and a banana for a good race-day breakfast. So sweet! We hop into the car as I drink my electrolyte drink... being prepared now after getting dehydrated last week.
We arrive to the race start 5 minutes early and I had made myself so nervous that I needed to use the restroom haha...As soon as I got in the porta-potty I heard the race gun go had started with me in the restroom! I run out and run to the back of the crowd that was still walking slowly towards the start line. I wave to Matt and cross over the line.
I like to leave my music off for the first half mile or so because as I weave through all of the walkers it is fun to listen to the things they are talking about with their friends. At the turtle pace I hear one woman say, "Why was I so nervous, this is just my pace!" with a laugh. Photographers appear during the race on certain parts and the man run-walking strangely next to me lifts he yellow muscle shirt and flashes the first one we see.
I have decided that when I do this race next year; because I will be doing it next year; I am going to try and bring a camera to take pictures because you can get vantage points of this that you can never see otherwise. My music is on, but low and I hear the crowd standing next to the road cheering. I cross over the one miles mark at 13 minutes and tell myself to stay slow and controlled for now. At around 2 miles I see the 1st place winner going the opposite direction...there is NO way I could do that. Minutes later I see the first girls...a few of them looking pretty manly and another wearing her little sports bra with a six pack; over-achiever.
I get water from the people sticking their arms out with cups. These are the worst things to drink out of while running...a drop gets in my mouth while the rest splashes on my face. I throw the cup in the trash and feel like I just swallowed an air bubble. I finally cross over the 5K mark where my stomach ulcers start to scream at me as they do during my longer runs these days. (That is why I finally went to the doctor for them) They will not hold me back anymore... As I turn to go the opposite direction, the sun is now in my eyes, "O yes this is where it got hard last year". I see another girl behind me with a thin figure and sports bra...she is just lucky! I decided it is time to turn up my Girl Talk mix Kristen gave me, zone out, and cruise a little. This is where my little strides become longer and my abs start to help out my legs. 6K, 7K, 8K.
I pass up a big man that then comes around me to pass me; we stay with each other for a few more minutes until I pass him up again and run a little faster as I see the 9K sign. I pass up the water (it held me back last time) and come to a huge hill (disadvantage point Erika ;)), but then shortly hit the huge downhill...ahhhhh. The over pass takes the sun out of my eyes and I feel in control again...although I now have a cramp on the right side to go with my ulcer pains on the left. I start to sprint the last bit, turning into the street where I see the finish line. The people in front of me are un-catchable so I slow down a little...and pass at one hour and 4 minutes... Not as good as I wanted, but I did start the race in a porta-potty...;)
It's Official!
Check it out:
In other news, Matt and I celebrated our Valentines Day after we got back from our couples shower. My favorite flower is the tulip...and no they will not even appear in my wedding because they are apparently out of season. I think that they are quickly becoming Matt's favorite too...every time he gets them for me he checks them every night to see how they have changed. They have the most character of any flower I have seen...starting out beautiful and demur, then stretching out towards the sun (in whatever direction) and opening up as wide as possible. I don't have any pics of them all the way open like they are today, but here are a couple of pics of what he gave me for Valentines day. He gave me them planted so that I could try to grow them. However, after reading articles it may be very tough since we don't have cold winters. (People in Oklahoma should do it!)
We went to dinner at Kona Grill and then he gave me a giftcard for an hour massage at a local spa...SO PUMPED! It was a nice night. We were also able to book our engagement pictures with our photographer for April 9th so we are trying to find cute outfits now haha.
Where does the time go
After Mardi Gras, I discovered the Houston equivalent which is the Houston Rodeo. It is def. not as crazy, but it is their big celebration and lasts 1 month. We won Keith Urban tickets and were invited to see another singer (cannot remember his name). It was a lot of fun and before the rodeo, Matt and I found this cool thrift shop called Texas Junk that has over 200 pairs of boots in a range of prices so we went and got some neat boots...mine were only 30!
In March, I also ran a 5k for the Houston SPCA to raise money for homeless animals in Houston. I started the run just to warm up for my 10k and to bring Gable for a nice run with other dogs around, but I ended up raising over $150 dollars. Gable had a blast, from the moment we got out of the car her tail was wagging and she was sniffing everything.
The next weekend was my 10k which I had been training for for over 2 months. The temperature dropped from the beautiful 70's to the 40-50's and it was nice haha. Kristen bailed on the run bc of the crappy weather, but my mom still came into town to see me. Matt ran in the run with me and didn't train very much before (he had only gotten up to 4 miles). Luckily, the morning of the race the rain held off and I bundled up. It started off easy, but I got hot very fast and wished I hadn't bundled up because the scarf and jacket were so bulky and felt like dead weight bouncing on me with every step.
Matt and I stayed neck and neck and I sped up the last mile because I had saved all my energy and Matt stayed behind. Right before the finish line "someone" sprints past me telling me to come on and I realized that it was Matt who had sprinted until he past me to finish 1 SECOND BEFORE ME! After all my training I was soooo mad...I was sprinting and chasing him yelling NOOOOOO until I crossed. It felt so nice to finish and know that my training had paid off.
That next week was my horrid spring break and I took it easy with the running since my body was basically shutting down already because of no sleep and an unhealthy diet. I have since picked it back up and am starting to slowly train for that long-wanted half marathon.
That is pretty much the most exciting events of my life at the moment besides another full weekend of school work while Matt is in Lafayette with Gable. I have never realized how much I love having a dog around. I am missing Gable so much...I have no one to cuddle would think I would be saying that about Matt, but I am used to not having him around.
Realization of the Future
Talking about random topics over beer with people I have come to know well over the past year made me realize just how much I will miss this place. No more late nights listening to Marcelle's weird music and building models. No more doing terrible at flag football with my co-workers, although we were champions... Now I must anxiously await meeting the new people I will spend all my time with, learning new things about each other as the deliriousness sets in from lack of sleep...unfortunately the model building until late will continue. My only hope is that on the first day I am told that my shoes are cute by another mysterious girl.
For tonight all I can do is prepare myself for the packed schedule and stress of the next three weeks. As I get the packing tape out and open my first box, letting dust fly and smelling that o so familiar smell which lets me know that soon I will call another place home; just as I did last summer and two summers before; I hope that my experience in Houston is as good as my past experiences in Louisiana have been. There is a certain feeling that I have felt with this move that has not been felt since I moved from my parent's house, and that is of a sense of permanence. I can finally settle, if for only a little while, settle somewhere. I will also be able to settle with someone I love which is considerably different than meeting my current roomates the first day I unloaded my belongings.
I dread the next three weeks of packing and taping, running out of boxes and finding more. I dread that sweat running down my legs as I load the truck and driving away from my school. To further add to my emotions, I will drive through my true home of Lafayette which contains my second very best friends and as far as I know holds more character in one pinky than the entire state of Texas. Although I will be making many trips back, I know it will not be the same. I dread the process of getting my new home connected to the world, but am looking forward to making this home my own. I dread having to schedule new classes with new people and finding a new job with new customs. I do however get excited when I think of the opportunities Houston has to offer and things I can accomplish. I know that come Christmas I will feel settled and love my new home; and will be looking forward to the new step brought forth in my life. Until then all I can do is fill my home with Fleur de Lis's until it feels just right.