The Windy City

In a couple of weeks Matt and I will be heading to Chicago for a work visit. To clarify, Matt will be going for work and I will try and be the ultimate tourist all by myself eekk. He has training for the week with a company paid flight, hotel stay, and meals so it was just too good to pass up. We are also going to be visiting some of our favorite people and staying with them an extra weekend.
Anyway, my point is not to only rub it in, but to ask for suggestions on what we should do while we are there. The weekdays will be just me, and then at night we will try and do some walking around/dining...and then we have the weekend to explore/do whatever. My plans for the weekdays so far:
- Bring my camera and find cool architecture to take pics of
- shopping...H&M anyone?
- Erika said it is a really active city, so I plan on bringing my running shoes and finding the hot spots to go run with the locals
Feel free to suggest good places to visit, buildings/art to see, places to eat, etc....I seriously wish the Color Run was there that weekend because I would totally do it!