While my photoshop is reloading

I am having to reinstall my photoshop because it is not working and I cannot live without it, so while I cannot do anything I am updating my blog.

Halloween was fun at night, and our costumes worked our well. We went to a party of one of Matt's friend's friends. I didn't know anyone , but it was still cool to see the costumes. Then we went out to this country bar and I got swung around the dance floor by some guy...not fun! Matt and I were the milk man and the housewife haha. Do to all costumes these days wanting to show the belly...I made an apron with lace to tie in front, not the most flattering, but at least my tummy doesn't show like an 18 year old. ;)

This weekend, my sis and her main squeeze came to visit and go to his cousin's wedding. We went to get some sushi at our favorite place on Friday night. I got to meet and babysit their doggy "sir charles" as I like to call him...ADORABLE! We didn't have much time to spend together, but did manage to get together Sunday night to measure each other for the dresses for my wedding...and we ordered my dress! YAY! I am very excited. It is ashame that we have no pictures from the weekend, but out of four of us, not one camera had a battery charger haha. Enjoy your night!


The Excitement is Overwhelming Me!


This one is for you dad