I am continuing to update my blog on this pregnancy, and while I actually hit 12 weeks today, I am holding off on that post and writing through 7 weeks and seeing our baby for the first time.
6-7 Weeks Stats:
Total weight gain/loss: I didn't weigh myself until the 7 week doctor appointment...and that was only because they made me
Baby’s Size: By 7 weeks the baby is the size of a blueberry...delicious
Best moment: the first ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat
Miss Anything? Sushi and a
tasty beverage…and BOOTCAMP! I want to exercise…(and the nurse told me not to until the first appointment...3 weeks off to be exact)
Food cravings: Filling, protein rich foods and I am LOVING plums…seriously have one a day
Anything making you queasy or sick: looking at raw meat and not eating consistently…and too much liquids at one time
Have you started to show yet: While I have been eating massive amounts, there is no sign of baby
Gender prediction: The acupuncturist did the heart rate test to me and said "girl", but it may be
too early to tell
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Not happy…just a bump on a log...I don't enjoy sitting around waiting, but I did enjoy the spring air on walks with Bijou
Looking forward to: Seeing my baby again and
knowing everything looks good...and feeling human in general
At 6 weeks morning sickness arrived. No vomiting,
but just after my first meal I would get a little nauseous and again in the evening until bedtime. I also had a
headache and some dizziness a couple of times so I was feeling
pretty crappy. I could not work out until my doctor's appointment so there was no happy endorphins to get me feeling better.
To top it off I got my Victoria Secret swimsuit
issue at the same time as getting a bellies pregnancy spa clinic
advertisement…cruel joke!
I ended up telling my best friend Leigh Ann during this time too. I
answered the phone with every intention of lying to her. Problem is she is pregnant and a few weeks ahead of me and
kept going on and on about me getting pregnant soon. I finally told her that
she was making it so hard to keep a secret, then I heard…”YOU’RE PREGNANT!” Our
kids will be a little less than 1.5 months apart. I told her she couldn't tell the others because I really wanted to wait to tell them when I saw them in person for Easter…she had to avoid
them for almost 3 weeks! Oops…
6 weeks 6 days was our first ultrasound…I was so anxious to
see the baby and hear a heartbeat (and so nervous) that I literally couldn’t sleep.
I woke up dry heaving (oh joyous morning sickness…that was the first time and
I think it was partly nerves). We got to see our baby, see and hear it’s
heartbeat and it was perfect. I always thought I
would cry, but I didn’t…just like for my wedding I was just too happy to cry...plus it was a little surreal. We got a few print outs and I got to talk to the doctor about all my fears (and
there are lots). The baby’s heart rate was measuring at 139 bpm and it was
measuring at 7 weeks 3 days, but we didn’t change my due date yet…still
November 9th.
More great news was that I was able to go back to bootcamp! The doctor was actually mad that the nurse told me that...especially since I had been doing bootcamp for 6 months before I got pregnant. He did warn me that my beastly hunger could hurt me, and I could gain a ton considering most people don't want to eat in the first trimester...great.
After such a wonderful first appointment we decided to tell my extended family with an e-mail that had a short poem and
photos of the ultrasound. Everyone seemed surprised and excited…I now have a
prayer team!...and my mom doesn’t have to hold it all in.