I celebrated 26 weeks in Cypremort Point, Louisiana. We went with my dad's friend and some other guys on a boat to catch bait fish in the area. Matt and I capped off the night by sitting on the private pier catching more bait fish...well he and my dad fished while I watched the sunset and talked with some other women about how they wish they could've been pregnant when there were cute clothes for pregnant women. The next day was my baby shower and Matt and the guys were going offshore fishing, so our main objective was to take it easy.
Total weight gain/loss: +19
Baby’s Size: Size
of a head
of lettuce
Maternity clothes? Same as before…those shorts still buttoned which is pretty crazy
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: pretty good
Best moment this week: Getting out on the water
Miss Anything? No
heartburn when I eat
Movement: Yes,
he likes my ribs
Food cravings: fruit, water, moscata, and chocolate milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Have you started to show yet: Yes…It really hit when when I tried on this (too tight/too short) dress
Gender prediction: BOY!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? wondering if it will stay an innie
(fingers crossed)
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Same as last week…need to
get these stress levels in check
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery done and the baby shower
This was an emotional week and jam-packed with little "to-do's". I do believe we own a bed-and-breakfast these days with all of our summer guests. We don't mind as long as they don't mind a little renovation happening during their stay. Matt assembled the crib to start getting the nursery set up, but there is still lots to do (including painting). We also bought a fan to replace the existing "boob" light which still needs to be installed. Matt wouldn't go for the general run-of-the-mill fan for his little boys room...cannot wait to see what the one HE picked looks like in there. Here is a preview of our progress (sort of) ;). I want my boys room to be pretty...well boy...I keep thinking of what a little man's room would look like. It will (hopefully) be a little adventurous, a little mechanical, a little rustic, a little mixture of everything...like a well-rounded kinda guy. Now you see why it is taking me a while.

Here is the board I have been compiling all of my ideas on...don't have too much narrowed down yet.