Our DIY Maternity Photos
Here are some of my tips for others who want to take their own pictures:
- Sunrise and sunset have the best lighting for outdoor pictures, and natural
lighting is much easier than figuring it out indoors...so just do that.
- If the light does get too harsh, find trees our something that provides
shade. We only have one picture in the cotton fields because (as you can
tell) the lighting was so harsh it created intense shadows and didn't
flatter my skin tone.
- We printed out a page of the poses we liked so we could just copy them
quickly...didn't waste our good light and didn't have to think too much
(which is good when you are the photographer and model)
- Know your camera. I am still a beginner with mine so I used a guide setting
(for now)that helped me pick what I wanted based on the lighting. *We did
have trouble keeping ourselves in focus while blurring the background though
(advice welcomed).
- When you can control it; think of angles, getting in close, and using the
sun to your advantage...and then there is always photoshop!
What we used:
- Nikon D3100 camera (used the self timer on the ones with both of us)
- Camera tripod
- Sunrise
- Whatever props you want
- Photoshop
- Features used: Crop, levels, shadow/highlight, curves,
brightness/contrast, exposure, vibrance, black and white, color balance,
photo filters, paint brush, clone, healing brush, blur, opacity, smart
sharpen, gaussian blur, lens flare, layers, and lens correction
vignette. (when needed...based on the photo)
- Make sure you save your original file and then a new one for editing so
you are not scared to play with these features...and duplicating layers
as you edit different features helps to be able to turn them on/off and
see changes quickly.