My Friday Five

I'm linking up with Darci and the gang again for 5 on Friday. I'm also going one step further and joining in on, "Oh Hey Friday". We have been busy in every facet of life lately. I cannot believe my baby boy will be TWO in about two weeks! Ahhh!

This made my week; we got Abram's school pictures and I just about died from the cuteness! We know the photographer so she made sure he was lookin' sharp ;). She was trying to get him to say "Julip". He just looks like a little man...with LOTS of hair.

I'm sure everyone is aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but did you also know that it is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month. This is a topic that is close to my heart. If you read back on my blog, you will see that before my human babies arrived I had several furry babies. Gable was my soul-dog. I got her from a breeder, and when she arrived she was filthy and had worms. She also appeared to have been emotionally abused. I worked with her for 5 years, and we shared an unbreakable bond. Then she ran from a friend that was babysitting her. I searched every shelter in Houston (all 5) every other day for over a month. I also became involved with the rescue community. It was then that my eyes were opened to reality. Only two Houston shelters even try to adopt out bully breeds, and even if your healthy dog arrives at a shelter, there is a three day hold before they may euthanize because of over-crowding, etc. Depressing I know. 

There is a happy side! 

Most dogs in shelters are incredible! Our last two have come from shelters, and both were already house trained, not sick, and had no emotional issues. They have seen the worst, so they will love you more than you will ever know! They are also all different temperaments  (playful, calm, cuddly) and breeds. Bijou is our hound that is a bit crazy at times; being only a little over 2. She loves our kids so much, and is Abram's bud and our protector.

The birthday party is coming along. I am trying not to panic... I get so nervous about throwing parties; it's not the decor or invites, it's the food! Cooking is something that takes a lot of mental prep for me, especially if it's for large numbers. Paint a mural...when can I start; cook...can I hire it out. For now, I'm doing the things I can do ahead of time so that I only HAVE to cook a few things. Plus, my in-laws are coming in and my mother-in-law does catering. ;)  I fully accept she is a better cook than me as long as she helps. We all have our strengths.

I figure if I put this next thing in writing it will make me not back out. After eight years of design school and a couple years in the field; I am starting my own children's design business. It is something I have thought about since I got pregnant, but I couldn't quit a paying design job for something that is no guarantee. Then, some crazy "meant-to-be" stuff happened (details coming soon), and I was able to go to working hourly from home for my job. That allows me to start my dream business (they don't compete). I'm working on getting my Mini Magnolia Designs website live and linking everything together. Follow along on the blog/facebook/instagram and be on the look-out because as soon as it goes live I will be giving away a custom room design! Anyone need an amazing Christmas gift? 

temporary logo

Speaking of designs; my daughter's "Make Believe" nursery is a finalist on Project Nursery's October Project of the Month. I couldn't be more honored to have my hard work recognized! Do me a favor and head on over to vote for the "Make Believe":




Our Halloween/ Abram's 2nd B-day


Forever on the Farm