Celebrate we will...

Because life is short but sweet for certain
Were climbing two by two
To be sure these days continue,
These things we cannot change

In honor of Dave Matthews I decided to start off this blog with some lyrics from the song, "Two Step". It was one of the many songs they played at the concert last Friday, and is one of my favorites! Although we couldn't take pictures, it was an experience to remember with so many different instruments and each person an expert at the instrument he played. The violinist is def. someone to follow, and the guitarist played my exact guitar for his solo. Now I know I can do it! haha

Matt decided that it is that time of year...time for some boating. Since he has not brought his boat from Louisiana yet, he and some friends decided to rent one in Kemah, on Sunday. We loaded up the truck with the wake board, tubes, and sunblock and headed that way. Matt was of course the captain and he did a great job of taking it easy while I was on the monster tube just wanting a relaxing joy ride. Of course, the other guys were not so lucky haha. The rain forecast was not looking good, but it held off while we were out on the water. Matt and another friend of ours wake boarded, but it was getting pretty wavy so I held off until next time since I am still trying to get the hang of it.

Afterwards we went to the BEAUTIFUL Kemah Boardwalk and enjoyed a lake full of seafood! I am pretty sure I turned into a fish by the end of that meal.It was a relaxing weekend with A LOT of fun and I cannot wait to do it again! We also realized that the next FIVE weekends are booked by things outside of Houston so I am sure there will be more posts soon! Here are a few pics...


The Summer of Craziness begins...


Where does the time go