The end of the semester was a typical one, consisting of stress and homework. Now that I am off, I have created my own to-do list for home. This includes weeding out the bad of 2010, trying to get my house tidy before school begins in a week, and working on some paintings (one that I am including in my shop after I had started it last summer and one three canvas piece that a woman bought a couple days ago).
So to let you all know I am still alive, here are some pics from my holidays.
We spent Thanksgiving in Lafayette at Matt's parent's house and then had a dinner with friends the next night (since we are used to two Thanksgiving meals in Oklahoma). We played games for two nights with the friends which was really fun...but don't worry it wasn't Pictionary. That one is a family thanksgiving original.

In between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we went to Lights in the Heights with friends in Houston. This is an annual event in a neighborhood with older homes and many houses have a band in the front...people wheel their ice chests and listen to music. It was the most Louisiana I have ever felt in Houston. LOVED IT! Matt also took me to see the Nutcracker at the Houston Ballet before Christmas. I had been begging to go see it again, since my mom had originally taken us, and this year we decided it was the perfect time. It was Matt's first time seeing it and he kept commenting on how much air some of the guys were getting haha. The weekend before Christmas we went to Lafayette to see Layla graduate from UL in Biology. Congrats girl!
One of my favorite decorated houses in the heights
For Christmas we went to Oklahoma. Although it wasn't a white Christmas, we had a great time with my family. I LOVE my family Christmases, but I may be a bit bias. Matt and my dad hunted near Elk at Brandon's place and each killed a doe at the very least. We spent Christmas Eve shopping away, guys vs. girls and then ate dinner and watched a christmas movie. The next day we opened gifts in the morning, cooked gumbo, and had a visit from Mimi and Poppy. We had a ginger bread house building experience, ate, and opened their gifts (pics later). After, we got ready and went to Scott and Dawn's house to see them and Grandmother and Grandad. When we got home, the six of us hot tubbed it for an hour. Christmas in the hot tub while it is cold outside, with a glass of wine and my family is def. a good tradition.
The theme of the weekend was the Diva Snicker's commercial. Kristen and I admittedly turn into divas when we don't eat soon after getting hungry. It has become a joke in our household. Well, we joked that we should get little snickers and through them at someone when they become a diva (picture it). Anyway, somehow my mom became the diva of the weekend. Now I will admit, she is not the diva, but it might have something to do with the fact that my Mimi and Poppy told me when she was a teenager she was a good kid, but a bit I get her just a little better haha. Same as me I guess!
We all robed it on the way to the hot tub Christmas night...Jake was there, but he was already under the water in the dark hot tub waiting to scare Matt when he got in haha.
We are sweet animals....Hot Topic. That store was LOUD!
Enjoying Dad's Chocolate Martinis....honestly just as good as tsunami's
X-mas morning
Jakes wonderful wrapping...I am impressed he wrapped our gift!
Begin without reading directions...
Rudolph was the only survivor
The boys killed zombies ALL NIGHT...ADDICTED!
Matt and I were supposed to see LSU play in the Cotton Bowl this weekend, but he then realized that the hunting trip he won is this weekend. Soooo, he took me on a weekend New Years trip to Austin...I had been wanting to go. We had some friends that go every year rent out a bar, so we tagged along for the party....two days straight. I couldn't hang. Matt's cousins also live in Austin so we met them for lunch on Sunday and then had drinks at Oasis while we over looked Lake Travis (Matt really wanted to take me there).
Take one...bright I Phone flash
Take two...can't see, we give up!
The rest of my outfit ;)
Day 2 was at Little Woodrows, and Kung Fu Bar which had games and skeet ball. I whipped Matt multiple times! Must be all mu Chucky Cheese practice.
Lake Travis...didn't even look like anything around here...we WILL live here one day! Gorgeous!
The new Oasis building is very cool. It has multiple levels of restaurants that look out onto the lake.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here is to a fantastic 2011...the best is yet to come!
The Tags!