Blessed All the Way Around

When weeks like this end with me feeling awesome, I wonder if it is just the amazing weather, or the people I surround myself with. Maybe a combination of both....

I am so proud of my husband...who received a great honor at work this week. To celebrate, I cooked him (yes me) a large dinner on Wednesday that was ready when he got home for work...SURPRISE! It was delish...baked tilapia with butter and lemon, roasted red potatoes, and broiled bacon wrapped asparagus. Yes, I am steppin' up my game!
I am also proud of our friend, Garrett, who finally had us over for dinner in his first place! It was a short-notice get together so I did not have time to get together what I have been wanting to give him as a home-warming gift, but I swear I will next time. He has been fighting tooth-and-nail to get his town home (in the inner-loops) finished...and now he is officially in. The biggest obstacle was the kitchen, which he redesigned himself and had the contractors redo before he moved in. Who would have thought a country, cowboy boot wearing engineer could be so creative (and it is good creativity). The kitchen is now my favorite part of the home...apparently he paints paintings too, but that has yet to be seen by me (stay tuned). Thanks for having us over and cooking for us!
Garrett, Sina, and Matt working together to hang his HUGE tv...over the FIREPLACE! (the only flaw in his creativity ;))

The redesigned Kitchen...the bar on the left wasn't there (it was a solid wall, etc.)
Sometimes I feel so blessed...not only for having fantastic friends and family, but also for having people close to me that know how much I love costume jewelry. ;) Thank you so much, Erika, for my belated, yet totally awesome birthday gift!

 It is ALMOST obnoxiously huge which makes it the perfect thing to wear with my cute fall going-out outfits... when I don't feel like having people look at my hair haha. This little gift was left on my back door step last weekend while I was in Louisina...and Erika was in Texas. It was a nice surprise on Sunday night.



Cruisin' to Cozumel


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