Baby Tag's Reveal BBQ

       I turned 21 weeks the day before the BBQ, but forgot to take a belly pic by myself that day. This cheesy "prom" pic of Matt and I will have to do this week haha.

Total weight gain/loss: +14
Maternity clothes? Be Band and stretchy clothes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: great
Best moment this week: Seeing our family, finishing our cabinets, seeing our baby, and hitting that piñata to find out what we are having!
Miss Anything?  Not really
Movement: Yes…it is getting stronger and stronger
Food cravings: sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope
Have you started to show yet:  Yes
Gender prediction: BOY! Matt is now getting his playbook ready to coach peewee football haha
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? My belly button is getting more shallow by the day…eek
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

Looking forward to:  Gotta start the nursery and the baby shower     

       We really wanted to include our families in finding out the gender of the baby, so we decided to have a laid back BBQ and hit the pinata (in the previous post) to find out what we are having. If you haven't watched the video yet it is a must! 
       Unfortunately, this weekend was plagued with lots of rain so we moved all the tables inside and stayed there until it cleared up just enough to go outside and hit the pinata. We also set up a canopy in the backyard for Matt to grill the burgers, sausage, chicken, deer backstrap, and roasted corn...we had quite an assortment that I got almost no pictures of :(. I pre-made the potato salad, chocolate cake, and appetizers (with my moms help). My other special request for dessert (because cake wasn't enough) was root beer floats, so I am glad we made that happen...and I wonder why I gained 3 pounds this week! ;)

The tables and our voting board

       I don't think I have ever seen a gender party so one-sided in what they thought it was going to be. We made a voting chalk board for everyone to sign and after I saw all the people going boy, I voted girl for some healthy competition (even though after the ultrasound I had a strong feeling it was a boy)...and I am pretty sure a couple other people did the same thing. It seems our little man was sending out the boy vibe to everyone.

 Our guesses....then we switched just to be fair
 After Lee and Amy left, there were only 3 girl votes in the group

 We were way out-numbered by the boy voters
 Ready to do this!

 It's a BOY!
We cannot wait to meet you little man!



Whoomp there it is...


We are having a....!