Halloween came and went so fast that I almost forgot it was Julip's three month birthday! She is no longer a newborn and is such a sweet baby; she's always trying to chat with us and her brother. I swear I could eat her up sometimes...I mean those cheeks!
Weight: She weighs about 13 lbs, 4 oz and is filling out most of her 3 month clothes. She will be in 3-6 month and 6 month clothes within the next few weeks.

My behind the scenes "help" haha
Health: She has been great this month! We have been giving her Prevacid once a day for reflux, and that's all she needs to feel better. Her nose has been stuffy, but it's nothing to worry about really. Wow! I think this is the shortest "health" section I have ever typed.
Sleep: When Matt got back from his two week trip to Ohio Julip would wake up every time he would move or get up for work. I was exhausted! I was trying to wait until 12 weeks to move her, but finally around 11 weeks I made the call to move her up to her room. We kept her in the rock-n-play (next to the crib) for night and give her naps in her crib. I'm honestly a little nervous about having to make the transition. As of 3 months, she will go anywhere from 5-8 hours, but has done a couple 9 hour stretches! No real schedule yet, I just feed her every 3-4 hours and change her into her pj's before the night feeding. I keep trying to wake her for a dream feed like I would do for Abram, but the girl WILL NOT WAKE UP! I am starting to think that trying to get her to eat is shortening her sleep. I'm trying to do as little as possible to jinx her sleep. ;)
Diet: She eats 6 oz. of Enfamil Gentlease every 3-4 hours pretty consistently.
Clothes: Julip is mostly in 3 month clothes now and size 2 diapers. Her pajamas are starting to stretch on the shoulders so I anticipate a switch to 6 month pj's soon. It is so crazy to see these socks that were huge on her at birth getting way too small. :( They really do grow so fast!
Baby Gear Love: Rock-n-Play, sound machine, pacifiers, pacifier clips for out spittin' baby, boppy, swing, her carseat and stroller attachment, bob & double bob jogging stroller, double stroller, activity gym, happy baby wrap {the moby was so hot and heavy}, and aiden and anais blankets, footed pj's.
Crying: She cries when she is hungry, when she is cold, when she has the hiccups, and when her tummy hurts, when she's tired, and when I pull a shirt over her head {she HATES it}.
This picture just makes me giggle for some reason...I think it's the chunky legs
Likes: Eating, watching my face, talking, watching tv, taking naps on our chest, sucking {pacifiers}, warm baths {she is totally relaxed}, naps on her tummy, music, her brother, staring at lights and fans, going for jogs, and being rocked.
he was a little helpful...
Dislikes: Diaper changes, poopy diapers, loud noises when it's quiet (she startles and cries so much), having to do too much exercise (tummy time) being cold and naked, her carseat, getting dressed, being tired, and laying flat on her back.
Sibling Love: Abram just adores his sister and is constantly giving her kisses and hugs, trying to share his toys, and entertaining her. She will just look at him and smile as he jumps around the room for her. He is trying to help me teach her how to roll right now. Sometimes he tries to pick her up and put her in his lap. The times when she can go in his bed are some of his favorite times.
Milestones: Whenever we smile or talk to her she smiles back and tries to mimic our mouths and sounds. She has much better control of her head, but still hasn't rolled. When we kiss her cheeks she just laughs and laughs. She has also started to put her hands in her mouth and notice her feet.Those legs are also quite scrumptious these days.
This month Julip celebrated Halloween, dressed as a witch and a cookie monster, went to her first pumpkin painting party, first play date, and went to the pumpkin patch.
Also, I am guest posting over at The Girl In The Red Shoes today. I'm sharing my breast feeding journey with both kiddos on Julie's Breastfeeding Diaries series. I began reading it back when it first started, and when I had Julip or any time I had a trouble accepting the difficulties that came my way I would refer back to the series to read other's stories. It's a great resource for new moms who are just trying to figure out the best way to nourish their new bundle! Click on the link above to read mine and other's stories.