Julip turned two months last Tuesday and had her checkup the same day. She is really getting big and starting to get those adorable baby rolls. Her personality is also starting to show and she is such a happy little lady. I could literally copy and paste the section about hair loss from her brother's 2 month post. Around 6 weeks her hairline started to recede until she was bald on the top of her head, then right before 2 months little hairs started to appear. The new hair is no lighter than the hair she didn't lose, but it does seem her hair lightened a bit.

Weight: She weighed 11 lbs, 8 oz at her check up {57%} and was 23.25 in tall {85%}. Abram was always a tall baby and his weight was always around 50% or more, but one thing was quite different...his head size was always on the smaller side. Her head circumference was 15.24" {66%}! No wonder all the headbands I ordered, thinking she would be about the same as her brother, are too tight! Considering she arrived three weeks early she is doing great!
Health: She was diagnosed with silent reflux and we tried AR formula, but that just constipated her. After trying out Zantac, she is now on prevacid with Enfamily Gentlease. She has been a little more fussy because of that and some gas, but we have been managing it with Dupois and baby wearing to keep her upright. {Love my
happy baby wrap}
Sleep: She still sleeps in the rock-n-play next to our bed. She goes anywhere from 4-6 hours between feedings at night. I have started to swaddle her in the miracle blanket when she will not calm down and for naps in her crib. She is much more aware of her surroundings {and noise} now so napping has been difficult unless she is in a separate room. I loosely follow babywise, so she is on a "flexible" schedule and I try to do a dream feed at night. We are slowly getting into a routine, but it is not very well established yet.
Diet: This month we started feeding her every 4 hours when she wouldn't wake up at 3 or would only drink an ounce. She drinks 4-5 oz, every 4 hours like a champ! We were using Enfamil Newborn, then AR, then newborn again and when the gas got worse, we started on Gentlease...fingers crossed.
Clothes: She wears 0-3 and 3 months clothes, and has grown out of several headbands already...bummer. She is still wearing size 1 diapers and has a long torso like her brother did.
Baby Gear Love: Rock-n-Play, sound machine, pacifiers, boppy, swing, her carseat and stroller attachment, bob jogging stroller, activity gym, happy baby wrap {the moby was so hot and heavy}, miracle blanket, and aiden and anais blankets.
Crying: She cries when she is hungry,, when she has the hiccups, and when her tummy hurts, when she spits up, and when I pull a shirt over her head {she HATES it}.
Likes: Eating, watching my face, taking naps on our chest, sucking {pacifiers}, warm baths {she is totally relaxed}, staring at lights and fans, going for jogs, and being rocked.
Dislikes: Diaper changes, being cold and naked, her carseat, getting dressed, and laying flat on her back.
Sibling Love: She is starting to notice Abram. During the LSU photo shoot he kissed her and she wouldn't stop staring and smiling at him; her eyes followed him around the room. He is still in love. He tries to "help" with her by feeding her and giving her a paci when she is crying. When she is sleeping in another room he wants to find her, "baby?". We absolutely love seeing him as a big brother. He will walk up and give her hugs randomly and just started trying to give her his toys, hat, blanket, etc...it gets a little dangerous.
Milestones: Whenever we smile or talk to her she smiles back and tries to mimic our mouths. She is ALWAYS sticking her tongue out {since she was born}, and is much better at holding up her head. She will sometimes coo or do a little laugh. When we put her on her belly she just about takes off, and she has rolled to her side on several occasions.
Julip and her future bff at the party
This month Julip went to her first birthday party, went to the park, started going running with mommy, listened to live music outside, got the thrill of watching mom as a single parent, and went shopping a lot.